
The Balfour Declaration with Avi Shlaim apple tv 157


Genre: Documentary / UK / 2017. Sad how the majority of the British population is absolutely clueless as to what led to the situation we now see in the middle East. Britain caused it yet Britain will take zero responsibility.

Hold up, you kinda ignored the 1973 war... And the 1st Intifada was very violent before the israeli army got involved. Beogradska trilogija 'we got a rogue speaker as well. Wow I'm here before the comment section erupts into a cancerous disaster. What are the people of the world going to do about it. These One per cent of the worlds wealth will plummet the ordinary person in the street into poverty. Where once individuals could rely on a good job, food in the belly and roof over the head is being ripped from under people, while the one per centres gather gold and crash stock exchangers around the world. Suffering of the ninety nine per cent is at the hands of the one percent. These masters pulling the string of the economy have the ability to start wars and have so successfully for hundreds of years. These people print the money of countries and control our governments while ordinary pay taxes to repay debts to the rich one percent of the planet. No one can do anything. The masses are the puppets that the one per cent manipulate and cause wars and despair throughout the world. The French Revolution attempted to weed them out.

You can't take greed and power to your grave. So Israel was built on lies and deceit. Great video! I'd very much like to see more about the relationship of the Rothschilds to Freemasons. Also, what is the occult connection? Is the pyramid and eye really occult. Is it like a gargoyle thing or is there Satan worship underpinning all this? I didn't see any obvious Satanic symbols in their actual houses. Is it just to freak us out? Also how do they play with the Rockefellers? What is the relationship with Hollywood and Jewish media. How co-ordinated is the whole Zionist effort? What the hell does Soros have to do with anything? And why is the NWO pinned on these few families? Do they really want to depopulate? Do they think they can save the world through homogeneity and Zionist rule? How do they want to rule us? Are we to be the cattle? Is the push for globalism by them alone or is it just the way humans devolve? What is driving them now? Megalomania? Satan? To be gods? Coz they can? Any video/information sources of similar callibre to this video would be very appreciated. When they mentioned international jewerey, my ears pricked up immediately for a horrible anti-semetic tirade, grateful that did not follow.

This was all done during war time. Extreme circumstances. Controversy


Species with Amnesia. Immanuel Velikovsky; credit where it is due! Cheers.

Of course this whole situation is a mess. Britain caused it, and Israel and Palestine have both done things they shouldn't have which have caused the death of many people. However, you have to look at the facts as they are. 1. When Israel was declared a state in 1948, they were immediately attacked by many Arab countries. The opportunity for a two state solution (as everyone says is the dream solution) was there, and the Arabs refused it. 2. Arab countries repeatedly attacked Israel afterwards, and they also refused several peace proposals put forth by the Israeli government. 3. When Israel tried to appease the angry Palestinians by giving them the territory of Gaza in 2005, the Palestinians immediately elected Hamas, a terrorist group, as the people in charge. In the years to come, Hamas launched hundreds of rockets over the borders towards Israeli towns. They sacrificed children on the front lines during fights. When the Israelis were about to send a rocket, they would send warning notes to Hamas telling them to vacate the area where they were going to attack them. Hamas instead forced small children to stand in the areas where the rockets would be launched. What we all want here is a peaceful two state solution where Palestinians and Israelis can live in peace. However, the Palestinians have made it clear that all they want is a one state solution. They complain that they live under Israeli occupation in the West Bank, but they caused that occupation when they attacked Israel. If you start the war, you can't complain about losing territory over it. Israel would have been perfectly happy to give half of the land over to the Palestinians, but it is obvious that they are impairing the peace process. Of course, even though I do not know the details, I'm sure that the Israelis committed crimes and did things they shouldn't have over the years. However, their is a fundamental difference between the people who fight a war to protect their citizens and the people who elect terrorists and refuse to make peace. I'm Jewish and from the USA, and I've read many articles and watched many videos from both sides of this. I would be happy to hear about any facts I got wrong or any opinions based on facts, but please do not just shout out your opinion with nothing to back it up.

Politicians are parasites willing to kill the host to keep their power. National governments are anachronistic.


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